December 23, 2010

Wedding Day Make-up Advice

As with most aspects of your wedding, preparation is the key when it comes to flawless make-up on the day. This is not the time to be experimenting with a new look, your wedding make-up should be a polished version of what you’d normally wear. Rehearse your whole make-up regime and take plenty of photos to check you’re happy with the look. With this sensible advice ringing in your ears and some top tips from leading make-up designers to follow, we’ll guide you through your perfect wedding make-up process.
Professional make-up artist v DIY?
If you’re the kind of woman who likes to be in control, relinquishing the power to a make-up artist, no matter how good he/she is, can be challenging. The best solution is to have a run-through in order to iron out any blips before the big day. Ultimately you know your face better than anyone, you look at it every day after all, however a make-up artist will offer that professional touch to your look – plus they’re less likely to have shaky hands!
Some brides would rather invest the money they would have spent on a make-up artist on buying some luxury cosmetics. You’ll still be using that pricey mascara weeks after the wedding when your make-up designer is just a distant memory.


No bride wants to look overdone on their big day, however if you’re too timid with your colours, you risk looking washed out on your photos. Experts recommend using shades of pink, purple or plum on your lips as neutral shades simply won’t show up. You should also invest in a moisturising lipstick to avoid lips drying out and looking cracked over the course of the day. It’s also important to use a lip liner underneath to avoid bleeding and also all over the lip to provide a solid base.
Top Tip: Avoid having lipstick on your teeth by putting your finger in your mouth, touching your front teeth and pulling it out again so the excess lippy rubs off on your finger, not your gnashers.
Skin Brightening
A spot break out on the big day cannot be discounted so it’s best to be prepared. Flawless skin can be faked with the help of a few clever products. A skin highlighter brushed along the tops of your cheekbones and bridge of your nose helps your face come alive and look dewy and fresh. Once your face is complete, it’s worth using a make-up setter over the top to help your look last the distance.
If you’ve bought a new one for the big day, wear in before hand to make sure it is the right shade and offers the correct amount of coverage. If your dress is low cut, it’s also worth covering your chest in a thin layer of foundation so you’re body and face match perfectly in the all important photos.
Cheek Stain
Sometimes the blushing bride needs to give nature a helping hand. Rosy cheeks are a sign of youth and vitality, an image every bride wants to project. Bear in mind the colours in your dress and opt for either a peachy or pink hue depending upon your skin tone. Cheek stains will last longer than traditional blusher however, apply sparingly as it’s powerful stuff!
Eye Lash Curlers
For that wide-eyed look and to keep your lashes open for the whole day, it’s best to use a heat assisted eye lash curler. These are pretty inexpensive and will really add to your overall look.
Blotting Tissues
A handbag staple for your wedding day – fight the sheen with these handy little tissues.
Waterproof mascara

Emotions are running high, but that doesn’t mean your mascara has to follow suit. Avoid black tear-stained cheeks by investing in a high quality waterproof mascara; you may want to share it around your bridal party to avoid having panda eyed bridesmaids.

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