January 3, 2011

Party Makeup Tips

Tips Cosmetic
One of the things that make a party even more enjoyable is to make sure that your party makeup is flawless.
 party makeup tips 1
This isn’t as easy as you would think. Because you use a different technique to put on your party makeup, and also, because you usually wear more makeup when you are at a party.
The whole putting on your face routine takes a little bit longer. The good news is that there are some things that you can do to expedite the process.
Be Prepared The night before you party you should pick out not only what you are going to wear, but also what jewelry you will be wearing to accessorize.
If you haven’t worn the clothing in a while you should try it on just to make sure that everything still fits properly.
Now that you have picked out the perfect party going outfit, you should spend sometime rummaging through your cosmetic case and decide what colors of make up will best compliment the clothing you will be wearing. Having all of this worked out before hand will not only give you enough time to properly apply your party make up, it will also spare you from last minutes panic.
You should also polish your finger and toe nails the night before the party. This way you will be able to relax and let them dry properly.
Less is More
One of the mistakes woman often make when they are putting on their party make up is that they try to highlight both their eyes and their mouth. What they don’t realize is that this tends to make them look clownish. Before you even start to put on your makeup you should know if you want people to be looking at your mouth or at your eyes.
Eat Wisely
Since you will probably be wearing perfume you should avoid foods that have garlic or onion on the day of the party. The scent of some foods, especially the garlic, seeps into your pores and will over power the scent of the perfume you are wearing.
Be Confident
Make sure that you are comfortable with the way your party makeup looks before you leave your home. It is impossible to relax and have a good time when you are worried that you look like a clown.

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