November 29, 2010

Cosmetic products side effects

cosmetic products
What many do not realize is that the ingredients in cosmetics, it is possible the incidence of skin irritation or allergic reactions cause undesirable. Mentioned in this article concerns the three most common side effects in cosmetic products.
The first would be stupid. Rash characterized by severe itching papules appear in different sizes. In general, they are allergic in nature, but may also due to physical factors such as pressure, temperature, and occur when a person sensitive to medications or foods. In most cases they are harmless, but if you could stay for weeks or months at a medical examination. A second adverse reaction could be eczema. Skin disease is most common. small eruptions occur, you can wax cracking with intense itching, which can take months and may be inclined to withdraw the case. Eczema occurs after direct contact with various objects. Eczema is caused by bacteria or fungi, and resembles a large round plate a few centimeters.
The third reaction may be allergic. We give more value because it is a very important condition to speak. defense system called the immune system and render it injurious to harmless substances. An allergy is a consequence of sensitization of the body to foreign substances called allergens. Persons who respond to certain drugs is a sensitive organism.
The body is made sensitive to at least one previous contact with the substance allergies. observed after a latency period is when the body in response to the effects of substances called antigen-specific antibodies. Allergy is the result of antigen-antibody conflict.
be taken to detect this condition in the skin tests. In the case of a positive reaction in the act of applying a red rash. If you see while performing a cosmetic procedure allergic reaction, such as red spots, itching and sweating, the products are far and is applied to each body in a smooth product. In case of allergic reaction, consult a doctor to tell you what to prescribe the causes of allergies and treatments.

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