Eyes are considered the most beautiful organ of our body. As per saying eyes are the doors to our soul. Beautiful eyes really attract men towards women. Good eye makeup can really change your looks and make you look more glamorous and beautiful. It is very important to apply eye makeup depending on the colors of your eyes. Different types of make up cosmetics are available in market for brown, black, blue, green or hazel eyes. It is advisable to choose cosmetics very carefully as some cosmetics contain harmful chemicals which put adverse effect on your eyes.
Tips to Apply Eye Makeup:
1. Before applying eye makeup you should keep in mind these factors like age, hair color, skin color, eye color and your wardrobe.
2. It is necessary to get a good base before doing eye makeup. For this apply foundation on your face before starting eye makeup.
3. De puff your eyes before starting eye makeup. Close your eyes and put a slice of cucumber on each eye for 15-20 minutes. This will help in relaxation of eyes.
As eyes are the most sensitive part of our body so hypoallergenic makeup is the best choice.
4. It is very important to hide dark circles and wrinkles around your eyes, when you are doing eye make up. For this you can use concealer or foundation to hide dark circles.
5. It is important to use natural colors as the make you look more sophisticated. Use of Dark makeup colors makes your eyes look smaller.
6. If you want to make your eyes look more seductive and bigger you can use eyeliners. You can use soft pencil or liquid eyeliner. Always draw line closer to your upper lashes
7. Apply the darkest shade in the outer corner of the eye to create depth. Apply the dark eye shadow into the crease of your eyelid to deepen your eyes. Apply the dark eye shadow into the crease of your eyelid to deepen your eyes.
8. Mascara can be used to finish the makeup. The best technique to apply mascara is to look towards ground and then gently apply it on your eyelashes with a brush. Avoid using waterproof mascara
9. After applying makeup it is necessary to wash your brushes. It is advisable not to use brushes of others as it way cause infection in your eyes.
10. To remove eye makeup use good quality makeup remover as some of the eye makeup remover may cause itching or burning sensation.
Makeup for Blue Eyes: It is very important to choose the color which looks best on your blue eyes. Colors like gold, silver, violet, light pink, purple, green and turquoise are most commonly used for blue eyes. Apply light silver shadow on your eyelashes and eyebrows. You can use dark color eyeliner like charcoal or dark grey. In the end you can adjust the colors by applying suitable mascara.
Makeup for Brown Eyes: Dark brown and black eyeliner are most appropriate for brown eyes. Avoid pink, mauves and blue colors. People with brown eyes can use forest green, violet and copper eyeliners. For eyeshades you can use olive green in combination with light brown. Avoid black or very dark brown eye shadow. If you want something different you can use purple, green and light blue eye shadows.
Makeup for Green Eyes: One of the biggest advantages of green eyes is that there are lots of colors available for green eyes. You can use different brown shades, dark greens, copper, apricots, taupes, dark blues. Try to avoid silver color for eye shadow. For eye liners you can use light grey, choclate, gold or white.
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