October 12, 2010

Beauty : Skin Care 2008 : Dry, Neutral, Oily

Skin Care 2008 :: Dry, Neutral, Oily

Skin Care 2008 :: Dry, Neutral, Oily

As those of us in the Northern Hemisphere begin to daydream about this wintry season's end and the arrival of warmer weather, we contemplate the idea of coming out of hibernation. Finally, no more Michelin-man down coats. No more layers, layers, and yet more layers. When we finally do come into the light, we'll need to think about sloughing off our old beauty regime and finding something for our newly re-emerged selves. It seems to me that we are often locked into a specific skin care program regardless of temperatures and climate changes and stick with the same old, same old. Women often tell me they do this because they know what to expect, it's within their comfort zone and they are daunted by the idea of trying a new product, even when the old ones cease to perform at peak levels. more...

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