August 9, 2010

Tips Beauty for Girl

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 I Hate My Freckles

freckle girl
For most of us, freckles are as common as our skin type. But despite their natural existence, most of us will do practically anything just to get rid of them. From the so-called miracle skin cream to lemon juice and concealer, we’ve probably tried every trick in the book and then some. So, what can you do to help minimize those freckles?

Freckle History

Freckles are the small tiny spots that you see on fair complexioned people. They can be a tan or brown shade of color and are rarely seen on African American people. Freckles are also genetic, meaning if your mother had them, you’re more than likely to have them as well. Genetics are not the only way to get freckles, however. Freckles can also be caused by exposure to sunlight for long periods of time. They are generally found on the face, but sometimes they can also appear on other areas where skin may be exposed to the sun. Because they are caused by exposure to the sun freckles usually tend to fade in the winter months. They may also fade with age.

Freckle Know How

While there is no way to remove freckles permanently, there are a few things you can do to help try and minimize them.

Because Melanin is formed on the outer layer of the skin, you can try lightening or peeling that area of skin. Alpha Hydroxy Acids can help shed old skin cells and make your freckles seem lighter and less visible. Kojc Acid may also help lighten freckles since it has been used for effectively treating skin discoloration. To get maximum results with a skin lightener or peeler, be sure to use a sunscreen. Otherwise, you’ll wind up with more freckles than you started with. You will also have to continue using the lightener or peeler unless you want the freckles to reappear.

If you’re not fond of using chemicals on your skin, you can try a more natural approach with sour milk or buttermilk, which contains an acid that can gently remove dead skin cells. The milk won’t irritate or dry out your skin like chemicals will.

Another natural freckle fighting remedy is good old fashion lemon juice. Since the juice of the lemon has a natural lightening effect, applying it to your skin could help fade away those freckles.

Freckles generally appear because your body is trying to protect itself from the sun’s drying effects, you may want to keep up your skin’s health by eating the right amounts of fruits and vegetables to ward off dry skin. Vitamin B5 is essential for warding off dry skin. You can find it in milk, wheat germ and eggs. While a diet may or may not reduce your freckles, it certainly doesn’t hurt to give it a try.

If you really want to minimize your freckles, the best thing you can do is to keep sun exposure to a minimum and wear sunscreen. Staying out of the sun will cause the melanin in your skin to produce fewer freckles.

And finally, if all else fails, maybe your freckles were meant to be. After all they are a part of you, a beautiful you.

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